Saturday, December 29, 2012

New Year's Crafts

New Year's Party Hats - to make a party hat, cut out a shape like this:

then add some ribbons on top. :D

New Year's Lanterns - to make a New Year's Lantern take a piece of paper 6 inches by 2 inches. then fold it in half. Make cuts in it but NOT all the way

then you have to unfold it and
tape the two short sides together. fold the cylinder down a bit so that it makes a cool lantern.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Hey peoples of earth! We are planning to do our next video VERY SOON! If you have anything you want us to put in the video (like chrissa doing a handstand or something) then please please please tell us. Thanks so much! Please comment and Check back soon!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas Craft

Hey! Here are some cool holiday craft ideas! :)

Stockings - If you want some stockings to hang above the fireplace just for your doll, grab some too small clean socks or buy some baby socks and decorate them with jewels, ribbon, and glitter glue!

Santa Hats - To make a Santa hat, get red paper (or your color preference) and cut a semi circle. Then fold it so it makes a cone. bring the corners together and it should form. glue it in the cone shape, then glue a white cotton ball on the top. :D

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Happy Holidays!

Hey everyone! the AG Girls just wanted to wish you all happy holidays! Enjoy all our videos and printables! :) Thanks so much for your support!

Saturday, December 15, 2012


So, we decided to have some bloopers and deleted scenes from our last video. Enjoy!